Member-only story
Every new relationship begins with the first date, the first impression. While you should always stay true to who you really are, there are a few behaviors that could serve as automatic turn-offs. To help make a strong first impression and even when trying to lay a foundation for a new relationship, try to avoid these things at all costs:
1. Don’t show up to your first date drunk. In talking to many people about their first dates, this surprisingly seems to be a pretty common occurrence. People get nervous and try to take the edge off by having a drink. But then one drink turns into several and before they know it, they are drunk. Needless to say, this is not a good look and your date will be heading back to the dating app before the appetizers even arrive.
2. Avoid wearing too much perfume or cologne. I understand wanting to make a good first impression, and part of that is wanting to smell nice. However, be careful when applying the eau de toilette. You never know how your date might react. What if strong smells give them a headache? When it comes to smelling your best, a fresh shower and low odor deodorant is typically enough. If you do decide to add a little something, do it sparingly, and guys, skip the Axe body spray.
3. Try not to talk about yourself the entire date. It is natural to want to talk about yourself. After all, we know this topic…